Thursday, December 27, 2012

Construction Update December 24th 2012

Last week Mr. Radtke's fourth grade class was able to virtually tour the construction site and ask questions directly to the construction workers via Skype. A video with foreman Mr. O'Keefe was uploaded to You Tube for families to see the current progress on the interior second story walls. Work on the site slowed during the storm on Thursday, but after clearing the snow Friday morning the crew is ready begin on the exterior second story walls. Precast concrete beams are being placed over the office area, which will be the floor to the media center. The beams for the gym should be arriving to the site in the next few weeks.

Link to special tour video:

The work site is quiet during the storm on Thursday December 20th, 2012.

Crews get back to work by clearing the snow from scaffolding on Friday December, 21st 2012.

Inside the building on the first floor, concrete has been poured and crews are waiting for moisture to bleed out before beginning a smoothing process.

On the second floor under the plastic wrap, crews are busy laying the exterior block.

This view from the street shows how the plastic surrounds the building to keep heat around the work site to allow the building process to continue during cold winter days.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Construction Update December 17th 2012

Scaffolding is constructed three and four stories tall on the North side of the construction lot. The blocks for the second story are being laid on the north end starting this week. Because of the proximity to the sidewalk, Miron will be blocking off the sidewalk for the remainder of this week. This means that buses will park in front of the school for drop off and pick up. Please anticipate a little more congestion on Linwood Avenue as parents pull in and out at the start and end of the school day. Thank you for planning for a few extra minutes during this week in consideration of the safety of each student.

Workers finishing for the day as the sun sets on the construction site.

Panoramic view from Linwood Avenue looking to the south.

The poured concrete entryway on the north side is now complete and sealed with plastic.

The Oaklawn staff wish Miron, Bray, and the Oaklawn community a warm, safe, and joyful holiday break. Stay tuned for updates in 2013!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Construction Update December 7th 2012

This weeks Blog entry was delayed to include updates and pictures from a visit to the Miron main office in Neenah. District representatives toured the facility and discussed current progress in LEED certification. As construction progresses on the Oaklawn site the blog will highlight aspects required for LEED certification.

A learning center like this kiosk will be placed in the Oaklawn main hall as a learning center for classes and visitors.

Miron representatives explain the Geothermal heating and cooling system that will be utilized at Oaklawn.

Learning/discussion centers like the counter and chairs shown here will be arranged in the media center for large and small group work.